Whenever I’m walking alone near a large lake or river, I really just want to chuck everything in my pockets as far out in to the water as possible and run away forever.
I think about joking to someone that I am throwing up if I’m bored. I especially feel like telling people that I’m vomiting on their belongings and giggling, though there are blatantly no signs of vomit. It’s stupid and I’m not sure why I think it.
Sometimes I have an extremely overwhelmingly strong urge for days at a time to stand on my head.
Everytime I come across a stair case I want to throw myself down them.
Whenever I’m driving and come to a stop light and a car pull up next to mine. I always have the urge to give them the finger.
When talking to people no matter who they are, I all the sudden get the urge to break their neck or punch them to death.
Every time I see a cute animal (especially cats) I want to squeeze it.
When I’m driving with passengers. I get the sudden urge to close my eyes and drive as long as I can until I crash.
-I often have the urge to drive off a highway..a really really tall highway.
– if someone I don’t know talks to me in the morning I have the urge to punch them in the throat and tell them to stfu, especially if they tell me good morning.
c squared
Fear and Loathing
when I get really stressed out I feel the urge to take a whole lot of drugs. Like acid or something else crazy from fear and loathing in las vegas.
I get tired of the responsibility and I want to see what its like being a degenerate like some of my friends